To Live of Love

To live of love is to sail afar and bring both peace and joy where'er I be. O Pilot blest! Love is my guiding star; in every soul I meet, Thyself I see. Safe sail I on, through wind or rain or ice; love urges me, love conquers every gale. High on my mast behold is my device: 'By love I sail!' - st. therese



for seeing and hearing from a ton of my beautiful, huge family today 

for getting to be in Gaming, Austria at the Franciscan Campus for rest days and to celebrate Thanksgiving

for time in prayer to be still, reflect, and be thankful

for the English mass and for beautiful music

for reuniting with a dear friend of mine from college who is studying currently in Gaming--and for the hours of conversations we've had today, for the gift of our friendship, the peace I find in her presence, the aid she gives me in re-finding my passion for my mission in Vienna 

for the Kalpakagian family for having me to Gaming and being so loving and welcoming as if they were my own family

for beauty, for cold weather, for Tony and him taking me to go hiking tomorrow

for everything I've learned in the past year, every challenge, every friendship, every miracle, chance meeting, and gift, every hardship, struggle, temptation, and weakness, every new insight, every discovery, every realization

for all of you, your love, prayers, and support

for God, His Will, Strength, Light and Love

for this, my life, today, and what is to come

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