To Live of Love

To live of love is to sail afar and bring both peace and joy where'er I be. O Pilot blest! Love is my guiding star; in every soul I meet, Thyself I see. Safe sail I on, through wind or rain or ice; love urges me, love conquers every gale. High on my mast behold is my device: 'By love I sail!' - st. therese



back from the vacation with my parents
set with a decision to stay in Vienna a snippet longer
back in full blown swing with so many beautiful things ahead...

here are just a few happenings that I managed to photographically capture in January

On the 28th we celebrated Anna's 10th Birthday!!
Aroma singing her sister a special birthday song

Aroma, Lily, Nazli, Irena, Me and the birthday girl!

all of us together!

I wasn't the only one who made friends in German course last August! Alina became friends with a Brazilian woman named Liria whom, at her daughter's birthday party last year, introduced Alina to another friend of her's--Barbara! One Sunday afternoon Barbara (who is from Poland and married to an Indian man, but living in Vienna) and her two daughters came over for some painting (with the help of a good friend of ours and painter from Milan, Italy, Andrea Cozzi) and some time together! 

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